Saturday, July 3

A Little Behind...Games With Friends

It has taken me a while to get to writing this, however, I want to make note of a very fun time I had while on vacation...I highly recommend doing this with a group of close friends...preferably coed with couples.

While on vacation, I had a couple of opportunities to hang out with some friends...part of the wedding party from all of nearly 2 years ago..

Known as "The Gang" we have Glen and Cathy, Jon and Jessie, Jeremy and Myself...

There's a board game out there called..."The Game Of REAL Life" It looks and plays similar to The Game Of Life, but it's ghetto. I'm not sure how easy it is to find, but I know it's out there, and it's super fun.

Throughout the game, you are required to keep a journal of what happens throughout your game...

Here's my story...
I'm a dude named Dwight McDaddy
My parents were hippies and fed me organic foods. Unfortunately, they were also drunk and beat me as a child. Then they got divorced, which made me slip into a deep addiction to tobacco. It was so bad that I don't even remember 4 years of my life. After I regained some control over my life, I met my first love...strong and pure. Unfortunately, she drove me into choosing LSD as my second love. My career path in life led me to become a garbage collector, though I didn't make any money at it. I ended up still marrying my first love and we had some healthy sex. It was so good I had a near death experience from it. I suddenly gained some extra time in my life, though I became disabled. Everyone took pity on me so I was able to get double benefits from everything I did. That is, until one day when I caused a civil disobedience and got pepper sprayed in the face. That winter, I quit my LSD comforts, which gained me some extra time in my life and I used that extra time becoming addicted to chocolate. Some scientists tried to clone me but failed. Through that experience I gained some common sense and made peace with the world around me. Just as my life was getting straight, a friend illegally set a nuclear bomb and killed the planet. The End. 

lol hahahaha. ROTFLMAO....hahaaaa....Baaahaaaah. 

It's very fun.
Also, if you don't have a board game, here's one that you can make up as you go and play with a group of close friends...We were trying to come up with a quick game to play without cards or boards or dice or anything. So we made up our own couples trivia game. The girls got together and came up with 5 questions about ourselves with answers and the guys did the same about themselves. Then we got together and asked each other questions. For example: I asked Jeremy question number one, what's my favorite color? He answers green and we get a point as a couple. Then Cathy asks Glen and Jessie asks Jon. It continues until every question has been asked to every person. The couple with the most points wins.

We played two rounds of this and let me tell you, we were able to learn so much about each other...not couples so much as friends. Jeremy and I pretty much knew all the answers about each other, but we learned interesting things about our friends. And vice versa I'm sure...anyway, if you ever need a game to play with friends, that comes highly recommended as it is super fun and super can make the questions as hard or as easy or a dirty or as figurative as you like. Thought I should share...:)