Wednesday, March 23

Day 4: Master Cleanse (Mid Day)

So far today has been really good. I didn't have any more lemons to make my sustenance this morning, so I had to wait until the commissary opened at 9:30. I was really hoping they would have lemons today as I didn't want to go back to Safeway and pay that ridiculous price.

Luckily, I walked in and saw a huge mound of them. I needed 65 and I got about 70 just in case. That will give us enough to finish out the cleanse. So, if you went to the Kodiak commissary today after 10:30 in hopes for lemons and there were only a few left, that was my fault. : ( And the 70 I got...guess how much it cost? At Safeway it would have been nearly $140. At the friendly neighborhood Commissary, it only cost me $32.72...about $0.47 per lemon. It's a big load off my mind anyway. We can finish this cleanse without a worry now.

I'm getting to be a real pro at peeling these lemons. Thank God for citrus peelers. For a while I forgot I had one, so I was using a knife and it took longer and was more annoying...even getting splattered in the eye with lemon juice...BTW REALLY not fun.

The lemonade is getting easier to drink. I still don't like the aftertaste of the maple syrup, but it's not as disgusting as it was the first day. And I can't explain how much easier it is to put the cayenne pepper in 3 oz of the syrup and just chug it. Then I can just make my lemonade like normal, omit the cayenne, and use only half the amount of syrup to sweeten the lemon water.

I still crave a juicy burger and fries...and an oatmeal raisin cookie...but I'm not going crazy. I'm keeping pretty busy so my mind isn't on food. I still am not drinking NEAR the amount of water that I should be, but even just with the lemonade, I'm hitting the bathroom twice as much as normal.

Still waiting on the "cleanse effect" and on the lack of interest in junk food, but there's still 6 and a half days left.