Monday, March 28

Master Cleanse Side Note

I have been reading many people's journals online about their experiences with the Master Cleanse, and I'm realizing that in my experience, I need to make a change in my goal.

The other day, Jeremy and I were discussing our strategy for weaning back into good foods. Jeremy's reasoning for wanting to start the process on day 10 was so that he could give himself an extra day to let his system come back into normal foods because Wednesday (day 11) he may be eating some real foods. My decision was to remain on strictly lemonade through day 10 and Wednesday I was going to take it easy with yogurt, OJ, and fruits and veggies. According to ALL of my research, I'm supposed to have ONLY liquids on the first day of weaning off such as broth, OJ, water, lemonade, etc. I don't know why I decided to skip that day, but I'm thinking it's an important step, so I have changed my goal to be the same as Jeremy's. We will start our transition tomorrow.

I have NOT changed my goal because I'm anxious to get back to normal food, nor have I changed it because I simply can't hack the lemonade any longer. This decision was made purely for better health reasons. I don't want to risk shocking my system with solids so soon. So I will have liquids tomorrow, then Wednesday I will have yogurt and OJ and graduate to fruits and veggies. Thursday I will incorporate chicken noodle soup to the mix, and Friday will be regular solids.

I'm no longer considering this a breach of my goals. I'm considering this a healthier decision based on the fact that I was so focused on how we were going to ease INTO the cleanse that I failed to CLEARLY indicate how we were going to ease OUT of the cleanse. I know I vaguely set the plan, but it wasn't completely clear as we were going into the cleanse. And now that I know more about how it's effecting us, I think this decision is wise.

In all honesty, I could keep up this lemonade diet a few extra days, but I would also like to "cross the finish line" with Jeremy, who is pretty set on being done on day 10.