Saturday, March 26

Day 7: Master Cleanse (Mid Day)

I thought it was unrelated to the cleanse, but now I'm thinking it's a side effect. Nothing serious. I just feel like there's an invisible weird coating on my tongue. It doesn't hurt, but it just feels weird. IT won't brush off. It's not effecting my taste buds at all; it's just sort of...there.

Keeping kinda busy. I have a big list of things I want to accomplish today, but my mind is playing a bit of A.D.D and procrastination. I know i have a bunch to do but at the same time I don't know where to start so I do nothing.

I've been sleeping really well these past couple nights. I still feel a lack of energy in the day, but it's not all-consuming. I can see food and it doesn't bug me too much. It makes me think of all that I'm craving, but I don't have to use a lot of self restraint to keep me from eating it. I'm at a point now where if my stomach is growling telling me I'm hungry, I think of getting something...but then I remember that I can't and I move on no big deal. If I get a major craving for something like a burger, I look forward to having one, but the thought doesn't make me want to quit the cleanse anymore. If I say I want to quit, it's only words and my real self knows that I'm going to finish. I'm not about to give up these 7 days when I only have 3 left. I worked too hard to quit now.

I'm still craving non-healthy foods, but at the same time I'm motivated to try some new recipes that I wouldn't have thought to try before. For example: I like green beans, but I don't usually eat them. I don't know why, I just never buy them. But now I see a recipe for paprika shrimp and sauteed green beans and it looks amazingly delicious and I can't wait to try it. So I think before this thing is over, Jeremy and I are going to sit down with some of my cook books and pick out some nice dishes that I've never made before that we probably never would have made before doing this cleanse. The thought of veggies and fruits is very appealing in addition to the burgers and fried chicken and so on. So I haven't yet lost my appetite for junk, but I've added an appetite for healthier foods. Don't get me wrong; I liked fruits and veggies before this cleanse...I just chose not to eat them as often as junk. Maybe because the prep time for veggies is longer...peeling cukes, tossing a salad, wiping off mushrooms, etc, whereas opening a bag of chips was much simpler.