Saturday, March 19

So it begins...the Master Cleanse...tomorrow

So today we got back from our trip to Anchorage. It feels great to be home. Tomorrow is the big day that hubby and I are starting the Master cleanse. We have all of our ingredients except for the lemons. We're both pretty excited, but nervous at the same time. Tonight we're doing our best to get rid of all the junk we brought back from Anchorage. Chips, salsa, pizza, etc.

This is going to be a hard thing for me to disclose out in the open, so all I ask for those reading along is to not judge me. :)

Tonight, we are posting notes around the kitchen to remind ourselves why we are doing this. Why are we doing this? To rid the built up waste in our systems from years of junk eating habits, to reset our lifestyle to incorporate healthier choices without the need for self control, to feel better about ourselves, to know we can stick to something so intense, to lose that last bit of weight that's hard to get off, and many more I can't even remember right now.

As of today, I'm feeling pretty gross. An entire week of eating out with little to no fruits or veggies can really make a person feel bogged down. Even though it was delicious to be somewhere with good eats (Golden Corral, Moose's Tooth, Pho, etc.) the after effects aren't pleasant: bloating, fullness, feeling of being heavy, lazy, etc.

Starting this cleanse after such a stint of bad eating could either be a good thing or a bad thing...I'll keep you posted. The good thing is, after this week of dining and snack food binging, I feel ready to start this cleanse. I feel so full I can't wait to feel hungry and light again. On the other hand, this week has stretched out our stomachs to full capacity and starting this cleanse tomorrow could be suicide because out stomachs will go into hunger shock mode. Either way, it's all in our minds because our bodies will be getting all the nutrition we need. Plus, we're taking two days to ease into the diet.

Tomorrow we're having a decent but normal dinner with everything else being lemonade. Then Monday, we're having fresh fruits and veggies for dinner with everything else being lemonade. Then Tuesday through the 29th, we're having nothing but lemoade, water, decaf herbal teas with no sweetener, and the wheat grass and psyllium husk supplements.

I'll keep you posted, but as of now, I'm excited to start feeling better, and nervous about the "ridding of impurities."