Wednesday, March 23

Day 4: Master Cleanse (PM)

Evenings are parlor or not. I kept my hands busy crafting this evening, but my thoughts still trailed to food and my cravings remain the same. Jeremy went to get a tea bag and when he came back into the living room, I swear it was a cracker...a little square glimmer of hope and I asked him to share...but alas it was only a tea bag. Heh heh.

Still motivated to more day until we're half way there. And in all seriousness, I'm not dying of hunger. It's tough to break the habit of crunching food.

I didn't do well on my lemonade today. I did make myself extra lemonade today, and I drank some tea as well, but I still have a bunch of lemonade left. Almost enough for tomorrow's rations.

My throat is starting to hurt from all the citric acid. I'm hoping it goes away tomorrow.

It is hard knowing there's a half a tub of goldfish crackers in the no fly zone upstairs...It's a big enough tub that I could bury my face in the crackers and revel in the cheesy goodness.

I hold high hopes that after a good night sleep, my stomach will again reset itself and I won't have to go through the crazy evening munchie withdraws for another several hours.

Almost half way there...almost halfway there...almost half way there...*tummy grumble*

Jeremy and I just had some "erotic" food talk about tearing open a warm potato roll and spreading butter on each half and watching it melt from the outside in.